Blakewater Home Care

Modern Slavery Statement

Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2023 to 2024

Here outlines the steps that Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd takes and will continue to take to understand and minimise the potential risk of modern slavery within the business and through dealings with its supply chains.

This statement is published in line with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd is a care provider registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) under the regulated activity of Personal Care, providing person centred support to individuals aged 18+ with a range of disabilities and/or health conditions.

Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd is committed to following the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the eradication of modern slavery and human trafficking. Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd has always and will continue to take a zero tolerance approach towards modern slavery and human trafficking.

Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd is an equal opportunities employer and through its’ systems and processes ensures that our care team works in a non-discriminatory, respectful and diverse environment, supporting staff to feel confident to report and challenge discrimination and bad practice without fear of retribution. Our robust recruitment procedures ensure that anyone who wants to work at Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd is legally entitled to work in the UK and our safeguarding procedures protect staff from harm and abuse of any kind.

Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd has not and will not enter into business with any business which knowingly supports or is involved in forced labour or servitude of any kind.

As a small local business, Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd assesses itself to have a low risk of modern slavery throughout the organisation and within its supply chains. Our supply chains are limited to a range of UK and oversees suppliers, sourced mainly through UK government frameworks.

Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd provides safeguarding training to all staff during their induction process with regular refresher training to raise awareness and understanding of modern slavery, human trafficking, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and how to recognise signs and symptoms of all types of abuse including how to appropriately respond and report types of abuse such as modern slavery. Our safeguarding policy and procedure also highlights the signs and symptoms of modern slavery and this policy is regularly reviewed.

The following policies are available to all staff electronically and within Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd’s main office:

*   Code of Conduct for Staff Policy

*   Capability Policy

*   Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy and Procedure

*   Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure

*   Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy and Procedure

*   Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

*   Equal Opportunities Policy

*   Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure

*   Grievance Policy and Procedure

This statement has been approved and reviewed by Denny Dodds, the Registered Manager for Blakewater Homecare Services Ltd for the year 2023 – 2024. This statement will be reviewed every year.